Certified to NSF standards, our UV light water treatment systems house a disinfection chamber that kills bacteria like Giardia and E. Coli without adding anything to the water; no aftertaste, no chemicals, and no harmful by-products.
Every system comes with an efficient electronic ballast with built-in monitoring functions such as keeping track of lamp life, lamp failure alerts, and surge protection.
Certified to NSF standards, this compact UV disinfection system provides a reliable and chemical-free way to kill bacteria like Giardia and E.Coli safeguarding drinking water for any drinking system residential application.
In whole house and drinking water UV light systems, water flow is controlled as it travels through the UV steel chamber. A narrow UV bulb sits in the center of the chamber, separated from the water by a clear quartz sleeve. Inside the chamber, water is exposed to ultraviolet wavelengths emitted by the UV bulb. These UV rays break the molecular bonds in the DNA of any bacteria, viruses, and cysts passing through, causing irreparable damage and effectively killing them. As water flows through the outlet it is free of any radiation, chemicals, and microorganisms.
A UV light must always be the last line of defense, installed after all filters and before water usage or consumption. Solids in the water will block rays emitted by the UV bulb which is why it is highly recommended to filter them out before the ultraviolet process. Most UV bulbs should be replaced on a yearly basis.
*You may opt for a model that incorporates an intensity sensor to monitor the turbidity (clarity) of the water and quartz sleeve. It is programmed to automatically shut a valve if it reaches a point of reduced effectiveness.
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